Nova Scotia Gains COVID Early Warning System Via Wastewater Sampling

Nova Scotia’s low incidence of COVID-19 has endowed a short-term, province-wide wastewater surveillance project with the ability to act as an early warning system for clinical caseload surges.

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Nova Scotia’s low incidence of COVID-19 has endowed a short-term, province-wide wastewater surveillance project with the ability to act as an early warning system
Leverage “the genetic gains we get from tree improvement to fight and adapt to a changing climate – to make sure we’re planting the right kind of trees now for harvest in 35-50 years.”
“For me, it represented ‘the royal road’ to a better understanding of the human mind and brain, and their mutual relationship.“
In a world of skyrocketing drug costs, a revolutionary new business model is being trialed in Canada that promises to spur the pace of drug development and price the results within reach.
End Of Issue #12

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