Genome Atlantic helps Atlantic Canada companies, industries and government use genomic insights and innovations to solve real-world problems.

Genomics is a powerful biotechnology that provides insights into the DNA of all living things. Genomics is improving production and sustainability in forestry and agriculture, driving innovations in aquaculture and energy, and offering cleantech solutions for mining. DNA-based tools are helping industries adapt to climate change and offer effective ways to monitor biodiversity. Genomics is leading to new treatments for people with genetic diseases and helps track variants of viruses like Covid-19.

Genome Atlantic is the go-to organization for genomic innovations in Atlantic Canada. We work with private sector and public sector partners across the region, enabling bottom-line benefits, sustainable growth and improved health outcomes, with many projects employing scalable technology to address strategic provincial and regional needs.

Our Impacts

Client Driven

All our projects are end user-led and focused on real problems and strategic opportunities.

Project Funding

$155 000 000

Since 2000, we have generated more than $150 M in applied R&D


Private sector investment as a proportion of our portfolio

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What Our Clients Say?

“Access to genomic technology and the opportunity to work with Genome Atlantic are crucial to the success of our program which has long term implication for both our company and the developing oyster industry.”

Dr. Martin Mallet

R&D Director, L'Etang Ruisseau Bar, Shippagan, N.B.

It's quite a privilege to still make a living in rural Nova Scotia and to be part of the Christmas celebration, so, if you can plant some seedlings that can return you 80-90% premium trees instead of 10% premium trees, that's a big return on investment.

Jim DeLong

President, SMART Christmas Tree Research Cooperative Ltd.


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